- Breast enlargement and lifting
- Buttocks enlargement and lifting 
- Cellulite and comprehensive reduction 
- Face Lifting  


U-Shaping is a non-invasive body shaping device. The different treatments allow circumference and cellulite reduction and a natural method of firming and enlarging breasts and buttocks.




The non-surgical breast enlargement is a easy way to enhance the appearance of your natural breast - without surgery and downtime.

World Of Care offers women the opportunity to discreetly and naturally enlarge their breasts:

The procedure is made for women of all ages who are not satisfied with their breasts and would like to enlarge and tighten them. It improves and strengthens the tissue of the breast, which has lost its elasticity and fullness after pregnancy and breastfeeding, through the natural aging process and genetic aspects. Of course, the self-confidence is strengthened as well. After the treatment, an improvement is immediately visible.


A treatment takes 35-45 minutes on a beauty bed. Because the treatment is completely painless no anesthesia is needed and you can relax in the meantime.

Two applicators are placed on the breasts. These warm it and its surrounding tissue and start a vacuum massage. Furthermore, bipolar energy, ultrasound and infrared light are used to shape the breast. Most of the treated people felt very pleasant during the treatment. 
The applicators may cause a temporary redness in the treated area, but this disappears in just a few hours. The treatment produces an immediate effect and the tissue of the breast is visibly tightened. If you are not satisfied after the first treatment, we will refund your money.

Depending on the customer's request, the recommended treatment plan is 2-3 treatments per week for a period of 2-3 months. During this time, the tissue is deeply stimulated and sustained for a long time.

Our competent team is looking forward to advise you personally.





With the U-Shaping Pro we use the latest technology to improve and strengthen the skin structure and remove cellulite. This non-invasive procedure is absolutely painless.

It combines infrared light, bipolar Radio Frequency energy, focused ultrasound, vacuum and mechanical rollers. There is a deep warming of the fat cells, the surrounding connective tissue and the underlying dermal collagen fibers. The treatment attacks the deformed fat cells of cellulite and smoothes them, so unwanted dents disappear. Furthermore, the toning and texture of the skin is strengthened.

Depending on the customer's request, the recommended treatment plan is 2-3 treatments per week for a period of 2-3 months. During this time, the tissue is deeply stimulated and sustained for a long time.

Our competent team is looking forward to advise you personally.

Do I have pain during treatment?
No. All the above-mentioned treatment methods with the U-Shaping Pro are completely painless. Almost all customers confirmed the treatment as very pleasant.

What happens if I can not take one of the appointments?
This is not a problem. The final result will not be negatively impacted when the remaining appointments are perceived.

Can the treatment be done on any breast size?
Yes. The treatments are suitable for every breast size.

Do you see a result on the breasts after the first treatment?
There is a clear difference after the first treatment and the breast is firmer. To sustain this result for a long time the follow-up appointments should be performed.

Is the cellulite visibly softened after the first treatment?
Yes. The reduction of cellulite is visible from the first treatment and increases with each subsequent application.

Do I have to pay attention to the treatments?
No. After treatment, they can go home / to work without restrictions, and even do sports.

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